These eye-catching costumes will be sure to delight this Halloween season.
Whether you are taking your children around the neighborhood on Halloween night to scoop up some tasty treats, or you have your own adult Halloween party you are planning for, you always have to have a great costume on this magical night! Some people prefer to get as frightening and scary as possible with their costumes, while others prefer a funny, goofy costume that will be sure to get your friends laughing. However, if you are someone who wears glasses, you may be limited to the types of costumes that you can wear on Halloween.
To help you come up with a costume that will sure be a treat this upcoming Halloween, but still allows you to wear your much-needed prescription lenses, here are five of our favorite costume ideas that involve glasses!

1. Despicable Me Minions: These hilarious little sidekick creatures are from one of the year’s biggest blockbuster hits: Despicable Me 2! Famous for running around and saying funny phrases in their unique minion language, this costume will be a huge hit with both kids and adults. Plus, making your own minion costume is super easy! All you need is a yellow top and leggings, some blue overalls and a yellow cap for their heads! Plus, you can put Styrofoam circles around your glasses in order to recreate their work goggles that they are famous for wearing.
2. Carl from Up!: If you have seen this heartwarming Pixar film, then you know all about the old and grumpy Mr. Carl Fredrickson. While his heart opens up at the end of the film, his frumpy suit, bushy eyebrows and nerdy black-rimmed square glasses is part of the reason we love him so much throughout the whole film. Plus, if you are going out trick or treating with a young boy or girl, they can dress up as Russell to compliment your costume!
3. Velma from Scooby Doo: An old-school favorite costume choice for everyone who grew up watching Scooby Doo, Velma is the sensible one of the Scooby bunch. She is known for her orange crewneck sweater, brown bob haircut, pleated red skirt and nerdy glasses. She also always carried around a red notebook to record all of the spooky things that happened to her and the rest of the gang!
4. Dumbledore: For all you Harry Potter fans out there, the boy wizard is not the only character from the books that was famous for his glasses. Dumbledore, arguably one of the most famous wizards of all time, was also famous for his “half-moon spectacles.” Apart from that signature accessory, all you need to dress up as Dumbledore is a long robe, a pointy wizards hat and a great, long white beard.
5. Waldo or Wenda from Where’s Waldo: Speaking of classic storybook characters, Waldo and Wenda from the Where’s Waldo Children’s books are also a great option for young boys and girls, or for a couples costume! All you need is their signature white and red striped wardrobe and a good place to hide at your Halloween party so your friends don’t easily find you.
What are you going to be dressing up as for Halloween this year? Be sure to let us know in the comments below! If you happen to dress up as any of the bespectacled costumes above, be sure to share a photo on our OCLI Facebook page!