Want to learn some truly interesting facts about the way you see? Read on!
Because our eyes and our vision are such a established, essential aspect of our human make-up, we often overlook just how amazing and fascinating they are. For instance, when you are looking out over a gorgeous sunset or sitting down to watch your favorite 3D movie, are you ever thinking about just how amazing and incredible it is that such a little body part of ours can do these complex actions without blinking an eye? (Pun intended.)
To help you get a better view into the awe-inspiring, intricate nature of the human eye and the way that we see clearly, here are six fascinating facts about your vision that will blow you away!

1. Your eyes are one facial feature that never grow. While you may notice that your nose or your ears get larger as you start to grow as well, your eyes will stay the exact same size that they were on the day of your birth.
2. Your eyes are always on top of their game. While some of our body parts or muscles may need time to warm up before we can use them to their best abilities, our eyes are always primed and ready to go. No stretching or warm up time is needed for you to see clearly!
3. Our eyebrows and eyelashes act as protectors for our eyes. Because our eyes are so delicate, it is important that our body is working to protect them against foreign objects or bacteria. Therefore, our eyelashes work to keep dirt out of our eyes, while our eyebrows help keep sweat off of our forehead running into our eyes.
4. Eye placement determines what kind of vision we have. For instance, humans typically have eyes that are placed very close together, which helps us have highly developed depth perception. However, many animals will often have eyes that are spread wide (sometimes even on different sides of their head). This allows them to have a greater overall field of view, which helps them protect themselves from predators.
5. If a blind person wasn’t blind when they were born, they will still be able to “see” their dreams. If a person became blind when they were a child, young adult or afterwards, they will typically be able to still visualize things in their dreams. This is because they often retain visual imagery in their waking life and in their dreams. However, if someone is blind from infancy, they will not typically retain visual imagery because it was never acquired in the first place.
6. Each of our eyes as a blind spot. Our “blind spot” is located in the very back of the retina where our optic never is attached. However, we do not notice this blind spot or hole in our vision because our eyes work hard together to fill in the other one’s blind spot.
Did you learn something new today through one of these vision facts? Be sure to share your favorite vision fact that you learned below! Also, if we missed an interesting vision fact, be sure to share it with us in the comments or on our OCLI Facebook page! We may even feature you in an upcoming blog post.
Research: Source 1, Source 2