OCLI participates in the discussion of human rights for Blog Action Day.
In the United States of America, our rights are often something that we celebrate. We are patriotic about our freedom and our right to have free speech. We fight for our continued freedoms that may be threatened and we rally for our right to bear arms or to marry. These are all rights that we are free to have as American citizens because they are outlined in The Constitution. However, there is a whole other set of rights that we are privy to simply because we are human begins.
Many people are unaware of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights―30 different articles that make up a declaration of rights to which all human beings are inherently entitled to. Set forth in December 1948 at the conclusion of World War II, these articles elaborate on our global human rights that should be reflected in each and every country throughout the world. In fact, this declaration is so globally important that, according to the Guinness Book of Records, this article is the most translated document in the word.
While some of these rights may seem basic ―the right to rest and leisure, the right to work, the right to a nationality―others are still far-fetched to people in developing countries or even in our own country, such as the right to adequate health and well-being.
This year’s blog action day, taking place on October 16th, 2013, is focusing on the theme of Human Rights and we here at OCLI are specifically looking into the ways in which our right to health and well-being fit into these rights.
The Declaration of Human Rights, Article 25
Section 1 of Article 25 of the Declaration of Human Rights states:
“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”
However, while everyone may have the right to adequate health, not everyone has the means to achieve this. This is why we here at OCLI participate in many helpful causes to help out those who do not access to top health care and important medical surgeries.
One of our largest charity organizations that we head up is the Vision Harvest event in New Jersey. During this important event, Dr. Silverman, along with other physicians in the area, offer free cataract surgery procedures for people who are uninsured and do not have the financial resources to undergo this life-changing procedure. Eligible patients will have all eye examinations, testing, medications, and surgery provided to them free of charge.
While this is just one small step that we have taken in one area of the country, we hope that it encourages others throughout the world to help people follow through on their right to adequate health and well-being.

About Blog Action Day 2013
The idea of Blog Action Day was first created in 2007 as a way to bring together bloggers from different countries, interests and languages to blog about one important global topic on the same day. Past topics have included water, climate change, poverty and food with thousands of blogs, big and small, taking part.
While the right to adequate health and well being is very near to our hearts here at OCLI, we also encourage our readers to research and explore the many other amazing human rights that are being talked about during 2013’s Blog Action Day. Also be sure to explore the 1400+ blogs written by others participating in this great social media event.