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OCLI Blog – Cataract Surgery

February 20, 2015
February 20, 2015

Dr. Silverman’s Academy Awards Best Picture Favorites

Since the Academy Awards air on Sunday, I thought I’d take the opportunity to share my top favorite movies list for Best Picture! I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a bit of a movie buff, and these four are my absolute favorites this year. Any one of these movies would be a great choice…

February 19, 2015
February 19, 2015

A Common Medication May Increase Your Risk For Cataracts

A recent comprehensive study examined the effects of statins on cataract formation. Researchers have found that use of statins is linked to an increased risk for cataract development. A Comprehensive Study This study, the largest of its kind conducted to date, sheds light on the relationship between statins and cataracts. Previous studies gave mixed results.…

December 9, 2014
December 9, 2014

Cataracts: Should You Have Surgery On Your Second Eye?

Cataracts are a very common condition that arises during the aging process. As you get older, the lens inside of the eye changes and gradually becomes less transparent, making it more difficult to see clearly out of that eye.  During a cataracts formation, it will cloud the eye’s lens, ultimately blocking or changing the passage…

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