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OCLI Blog – EyeCare Topics

September 20, 2015
September 20, 2015

Eye Care After LASIK: Frequently Asked Vacation Questions

If you can believe it, there are actually already fewer than 80 days until winter vacation. For a lot of people, that means escaping the winter blahs and jetting off to an exotic destination to enjoy some sun. Because it’s also a season for lots of time home from school and work, there are plenty…

August 28, 2015
August 28, 2015

Breakthroughs: Molecule Could Hold the Key to Cataract Reversal

As you get older, it can seem inevitable to eventually need reading glasses for small type or to squint every once in a while. It’s part of aging, you think, just an inevitable consequence of having lived a while. One of the biggest causes of this is the development of cataracts, which are masses that…

August 19, 2015
August 19, 2015

The Link Between Rosacea and Your Eyes

When you see someone with Rosacea, the symptoms are clear—red nose and cheeks, little bumps on the skin, pimples, and tiny vessels. But take a closer look at their eyes; do they appear red and dry? While the symptoms of Rosacea are easy to spot and pinpoint, many don’t know that their rosacea can be…

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