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OCLI Blog – Seasonal eye care tips

December 6, 2012
December 6, 2012

‘Tis The Season: Vision Tips For The Upcoming Holiday Season

Don’t let a vision accident spoil your winter fun this season. The winter season is a favorite time for many―getting to visit with family and friends over the holidays, taking a much-needed break from the stress of work and school, and enjoying all of the fun activities and opportunities that the change in weather often…

November 13, 2012
November 13, 2012

Tips For Battling Dry Eyes This Winter Season

Keep your vision clear and comfortable during the colder months. The winter season brings with it many changes to our daily routines based on the cold weather outside―bundling up each and every time we leave the house, preparing our vehicles and homes for the chilling winds and ice outside, and even prepping our bodies for…

October 25, 2012
October 25, 2012

Keeping Your Vision Healthy During Eye Injury Prevention Month

Tips for keeping your eyes safe during October and all year long. We here at OCLI often stress the importance of caring for your eyes and vision in every way possible. This could be through regular vision screenings, a healthy diet of vitamins and nutrients, and being on the watch for any other vision problems…

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