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OCLI Blog – Seasonal eye care tips

September 18, 2012
September 18, 2012

Fruits and Vegetables That Make For Healthy Eyes and Vision

If you want to improve your vision, add these fruits and veggies to your diet. When we were young, family dinners sat around the kitchen table often sounded very similar to kids across the country: “Finish all of your dinner” or “No dessert until your plate is cleared.” However, there was one request that was…

September 7, 2012
September 7, 2012

Heading to College This Fall? Remember to take care of your eyes!

Students face special challenges to the eyes when they are under academic performance pressure. Lack of sleep, prolonged computer use and long hours studying make for tired eyes that are dry, scratchy and achy. Dry Eyes and Eye Fatigue  Prolonged computer use contributes to eye fatigue because you blink less frequently. Less blinking significantly reduces…

July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012

Vision Correction: The Many Advantages of LASIK Eye Surgery

LASIK Eye Surgery Benefits – Vision Correction What you need to know about the advantages of LASIK eye surgery. In the last century, LASIK eye surgery has become one of the single most beneficial procedures available for people with all different types of vision problems who are looking for a way to finally ditch their…

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