Looking for the perfect Father’s Day gift? Why not the gift of sight!
What do you get the man who raised you, taught you how to play ball, or picked you up off the ground and made things all better when you scraped your knee? How do you show appreciation to a father who was so much more than that? Who was also a sports coach, a nurse, a best friend or a #1 fan? Somehow a simple gift like a card or a new fishing pole on Father’s Day just doesn’t seem to do that kind of man justice.
Therefore, this Father’s Day (June 15th), why not give your dad a gift that will help to change his life, since he worked so hard to change yours every single day? The gift of LASIK surgery is so much more than just a simple Father’s Day present. It’s a chance to give your father the gift of clear vision from this day forward—the perfect gift.
Still not convinced that this may be the right gift for your dad? Here are just a few benefits that come with LASIK surgery:

1. No more glasses or contacts
One of the biggest advantages of LASIK surgery for many people is the fact that you can finally toss those frustrating glasses and contacts out for good! If your dad is constantly saying he is fed up of the hassle of contact lenses every morning and evening, or he is sick of relying on his glasses in order to see, LASIK surgery may be the perfect answer for him. Plus, without being forced to wear glasses in order to achieve clear vision, your pops can finally rock those stylish sunglasses he has been eyeing! (Another great gift idea.)
2. Results that last a lifetime
While contacts and glasses can help to make your vision more clear while you are wearing them, LASIK gives results that last are long-lasting, not just temporary. After your eyes have adjusted and stabilized after a couple months, you can expect the results of traditional LASIK surgery to be permanent. No surgical updates, no corrective procedures later down the road, just clear vision (barring any normal changes that come with the regular aging process).
3. Minimal recovery
While the results of LAISK surgery may be tempting, your dad may be hesitant about the procedure because he doesn’t want a complex surgery to hold up his golf game or interfere with his upcoming months of summer activities. However, LASIK surgery offers quick results and an even quicker recovery period! In fact, most eye doctors say that patients can return to their normal activities and schedules as soon as one day following the surgery. No need for your dad to give up his favorite activities! He’ll simply just be getting the added advantage of clear vision.
And, of course…
4. Clear vision
At the end of the day, the biggest benefit that comes with LASIK eye surgery is the improved vision, by far. Many studies have confirmed that as many as 95% of patients who undergo LASIK find that they achieve uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) of at least 20/20, while 85% say that they achieve 20/20 vision or better following the procedure. The proof is in the results—LASIK really does work!
For more information about whether or not LASIK would be right for your dad this Father’s Day, be sure to contact OCLI today. Our team of NJ LASIK specialists will help walk you through the many benefits of this procedure and see if LASIK would be a good fit for your dad. We also have LASIK gift certificates for other occasions, such as graduation, anniversaries, or birthdays.