How do you know if you’re experiencing normal age-related vision issues or if you’re experiencing a change in vision that requires immediate attention? The answer lies in your specific symptoms. That’s why it’s important to maintain regular eye check-ups and ensure you are getting your eyes checked based on the schedule recommended by your eye doctor.
Our eyes change as we age. The trick is being aware of when it is a normal age-related change and when it is something more serious. The most common normal age-related vision changes include:
- Increased sensitivity to glare,
- Increased lighting requirements,
- Increased time to adjust to brightness or darkness,
- Reduced contrast sensitivity,
- Reduced ability to judge depth perception,
- Decreased ability to focus close up, and
- Decreased color sensitivity.
There are a number of warning signs that you may be experiencing an age-related vision issue and should consult your eye doctor immediately.
Scratchy or Irritated Sensation
The body produces less tears as it ages. Dry-eye syndrome is not a vision-threatening condition but it can be quite painful if left untreated.
Floaters in Your Field of Vision
Floaters are small black dots or specks that look like they are floating in your field of vision. They are usually caused by an insignificant age-related condition called vitreous detachment but floaters that suddenly show up out of the blue could be the result of a serious tear or retinal detachment that could result in permanent vision loss. See your eye doctor immediately if you have a sudden onslaught of floaters.
Dark Curtain Across Field of Vision
A dark curtain across your field of vision can also signal retinal detachment. In this situation, if the retina isn’t reattached within hours, vision loss could be permanent.
Sudden Blurry Vision in One Eye
Sudden blurry vision in one eye can signal the presence of a macular hole. Once you are over 60, your chances of developing a macular hole increase. Macular holes can lead to permanent loss of vision so it’s important to have this symptom checked right away.
Narrowing of Your Field of View
A symptom of glaucoma is a reduction in the ability to see objects off to the side. Glaucoma can result in tunnel vision or blindness if not corrected.
Double Vision, Double Images, or “Ghost” Images
Double vision can be caused by many things but in some situations, it can signal the presence of an underlying medical emergency such as a stroke, therefore, it’s important to seek medical assistance immediately if you are experiencing double vision.
Many changes in vision, like sensitivity to glare, difficulty focusing close, and a reduced ability to judge depth perception, are due to the aging process. Other symptoms like floaters, curtains, and double vision can indicate more serious issues and should be checked immediately.
Regular vision check-ups are also important for the maintenance of your eyesight. The professionals at OCLI can help you stay up-to-date with your eye care. Make OCLI a part of your regular vision maintenance. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.