Age-related factors that may determine the best time to have LASIK Surgery.
It is no big secret that LASIK eye surgery is a one-of-a-kind, life changing procedure for many people all across the world. In fact, for many people who have grown up wearing corrective contact lenses or dealing with the frustration of glasses, undergoing LASIK surgery can make a significant impact on your daily comfort and happiness.
Not only is LASIK surgery a safe and effective treatment for many people who suffer from common vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, but with the ever-growing improvements in LASIK technology, custom LASIK can be used to treat vision problems for more people than ever before.

However, as with any other surgery, there are still plenty of questions that surround this popular procedure, such as what are the common side effects? Will you ever have to wear glasses again? How soon will you be able to see post-procedure? But one question that gets asked by patients time and time again is ‘What is the best age to undergo LASIK surgery?‘
While there is no universal ideal age for LASIK that can applied to people of all ages and vision types, there are some particular factors that should be taken into account at every age in order to ensure that your LASIK eye surgery will be as beneficial as possible. Here are just a few age-related factors to consider before you undergo this beneficial vision correction procedure:
Under 18
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved LASIK eye surgery (or any other laser eye surgeries) for people under the age of 18―except in cases of rare exceptions for pediatric patients. This is mostly due to the fact that young eyes often have refractive instability, meaning that any vision correction made during the time of LASIK would most likely have to be retreated as the eyes continue to develop.
Over 18
A person’s actual age is not as significant of a factor compared to overall health and eye stability. We have treated many 18 year olds who have had a stable prescription with excellent results. These patients experience excellent vision at all ranges, both near and far. The key wording here is refractive stability, meaning no change in your eye glass prescription for 1 year!
Over 40
While there is no maximum age limit for LASIK eye surgery, there are certain issues often faced by middle-aged patients. These patients ar beginning to lose their ability to focus up close, a condition called presbyopia. What this means is that LASIK will afford this age cohort excellent distance vision, but the need for reading glasses for close vision.
There are also other considerations in this age group. For instance, as people get older, they are more likely to develop age-related vision problems such as cataracts, which may affect the outcome of the LASIK procedure. It is also important that patients have overall good health in order to minimize risks of possible complications.
If you are considering undergoing LASIK eye surgery, it is best to look into the procedure sooner than later in order to maximize your benefits after the procedure. To find our more information about whether or not you make a good LASIK candidate, be sure to schedule your free LASIK consultation with OCLI today.
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